Anticipated FAQs for the AOU-COS 2015 Conference

  1. What time does Couch Restaurants/cafeteria open?
    1. 7am
  2. How do I get my complimentary breakfast at Couch Restaurants/cafeteria?
    1. Swipe your key card at the register. It will automatically debit the meal to your prepaid account linked to your dorm room.
  3. What’s included in the linens provided by the dorm facility?
    1. You get a pillow, pillowcase, large towel, hand towel, washcloth, sheet, and blanket.
  4. Where are the workshops being held?
    1. Consult the posted listing of times and locations on pages 8 and 9 of the program you can get the agenda on-line here (http://aoucos2015.ou.edu/?page_id=455).
    2. Editor’s Workshop is in the Scholar’s Room
    3. Raising your chicks as an ornithologist is in Scholar’s room
  5. Can I still sign up for a field trip?
    1. There is a waiting list at registration
    2. There is a bulletin board where you could post your request to buy someone’s spot
  6. Can I do the ostrich run? Yes – show up and run Thursday 6am!
  7. Can I use my parking pass anywhere on campus?
    1. Most places, but not in the parking garage beside the Union.
  8. Is there alcohol allowed in the dorm rooms?
    1. Alcohol is not allowed in the Couch Towers or any other place on campus unless it is an OU-sanctioned event that has been given explicit permission to serve alcohol
  9. Are there designated smoking areas on campus?
    1. No, OU is a completely tobacco-free campus
    2. Not your e-cigarettes either!
  10. Are there any shuttle buses from the dorms to the Union?
    1. There is a Research Shuttle that stops outside the Couch Towers that can take you to and from the Campus Depot, which is a short walk from the Union (http://www.ou.edu/content/cart/schedules/researchshuttle1.html). The one-way fare will be 75 cents. An unlimited pass for the entire CART system can be purchased for $25. Schedule is infrequent.
  11. Is there a shuttle from the dorms to the National Weather Center?
    1. Every 30 minutes during the summer the Research Route (Bus #43) will stop outside the Couch Towers. It will drop you at the entrance of the National Weather Center (let the driver know where you’re going and they’ll be sure to alert you). The one-way fare will be 75 cents.
    2. There will be a bus to take you to the banquet on Saturday.
  12. When should I setup my poster and when do I need to take it down?
    1. Posters should be setup between 8am and 5pm on Wednesday. Posters can be left up through Friday at 5pm.
  13. Where is the Campus Bookstore?
    1. On Asp Avenue, literally underneath the western bleachers of the OU football stadium
  14. I’m a Mentor and I’ve had a number of students approach me about taking me to lunch. Do I have to choose only one?
    1. No, you could attend a lunch with a few different students, provided you feel that you can give them all enough attention. The students will actually be able to combine their vouchers, so it’ll be your chance to order from the right side of the menu.
    2. Yes, it’s designed to be a one-on-one experience. You could stagger them throughout the week, however, and get a free lunch every day!
  15. How do I upload my talk?
    1. Presenting Wednesday Morning – There will be four PCs at the registration desk in Couch Hall on Tuesday. Find the one labeled with the room in which you are presenting (e.g., Ballroom). Put your flashdrive in the USB port and copy your powerpoint presentation in to the folder (on the desktop) that matches your session. Make sure the name of the file contains the presenter’s last name. Open that file and make sure that it appears correctly on the screen. This computer is the one that will operate your presentation – if it doesn’t look right now it won’t look right when you give your talk.
    2. Presenting later in the meeting – You can load and view your presentation when you pick up your meeting information at the registration desk (see above 15a). We suggest you at least view the presentation to look for any major problems. However, you can also do this later. 8am to 5pm Wednesday through Saturday, go to to the Pioneer Room and upload and preview your talk ahead of your session. There will be a computer labeled with the room name you’ll be presenting in, and on that computer there will be a folder for the session containing your talk. Copy your presentation into that folder and then run it on the computer to ensure that all colors, animations, fonts, etc. appear normal. As a last-ditch option, you can provide a copy by USB drive to the moderator prior to the start of your scheduled session. Note that you will not be able to preview your presentation ahead of time if you chose this option.
  16. Does the linen service include pillow and towel?   Yes! You get a pillow, pillowcase, large towel, hand towel, washcloth, sheet, and blanket.