Sponsoring Societies

Sponsor Organizations

This joint American Ornithology meeting is sponsored by the AOU and COS.


Founded in 1883, the American Ornithologists’ Union is one of the oldest organizations in the world devoted to the scientific study of birds. The AOU is the largest and most diverse ornithological society in the New World. Although primarily an organization for professional ornithologists, it welcomes to its ranks many students, conservationists, birders and others who cherish the birds of the world. The mission of the AOU is to advance the scientific understanding of birds, to enrich ornithology as a profession, and to promote a rigorous scientific basis for the conservation of birds. Its publications are the heart and soul of the AOU and are actively overseen by a committee of scientists, which ensures scientific integrity, professional management, and fiscal health.


The Cooper Ornithological Society is one of the largest ornithological societies in the world. COS has been in existence since 1893 and the name commemorates an early California naturalist, Dr. James G. Cooper. The Cooper Ornithological Society seeks to advance the scientific study of birds and their habitats through its meetings, its sponsorship of symposia and workshops, and its publications. The objectives of the COS are: to encourage and support the scientific study of birds; to disseminate ornithological knowledge through publications, meetings, and direct communication among ornithologists; to encourage and spread interest in the study of birds; and to encourage and support the conservation of birds and wildlife in general.