DEADLINE: 3 May, 2015
The abstract submission system allows you to use the same user name and password established for the registration system. Please use the same username and password for both abstract submission and registration. You do not need to register before submitting an abstract; however, you will, of course, need to register before you can make your presentation.
Once you have a login identity, you can use it to submit an abstract by clicking here.
The abstract submission system is easy to use, and you can type your abstract directly into the online system. However we strongly recommend that you compose the abstract in a word processor and save it on a local hard drive. Then cut and paste it into the text window on the abstract submission system. This way you have a local copy in case there is an internet interruption or some other unforeseen event.
If you are not experienced with scientific abstracts, consider reading one of the many online writing guides (e.g. “How to write a good abstract…”). In general try to be as brief and precise as possible, use first person, and avoid statements that don’t convey information, like the age-old, “results of our analyses will be discussed.” Abstracts are limited to 300 words.
For those preparing an abstract for the Early Professionals Mini-Talk Symposium, you can use the same abstract submission system, but please also include the names of 2-3 senior scientists from whom you would like feedback on your presentation. These names should be entered into the field called “Notes to Program Editors.”
Before submitting an abstract you have to assign authorship. An abstract needs needs at least one author, but you can add as many as you like. When you have created your author list, click continue and you will then be able to enter your title and abstract text. Please keep the title brief. Unfortunately, you cannot use special characters in the title, but special characters are allowed in the abstract text. You can insert them by using the menu items above the text box.
Below the abstract text box is a series of questions that you ought to answer. These include:
1. Notes to Program Editors (e.g., I can only present on Friday). This block can be left blank.
2. Special needs for your presentation (e.g., I will require wheelchair assistance). This block can be left blank
3. What type of presentation do you prefer? (Oral, Poster, Early Professionals Mini-Talk Symposium, Don’t Care; please note that you can submit for the Early Professionals Mini-Talk Symposium AND another presentation)
4. Do you want to be considered for inclusion in a symposium (Yes/No)?
5. Are you willing to chair your session (Yes/No)?
6. Should your talk be considered for a student award (Yes/No)?
When finished you can hit the “Continue” button
You can change and edit your abstract by returning to the Abstract Submission System, logging on, selecting your abstract, and clicking the “edit” link. You can make changes whenever you want up until the abstract submission deadline (May 3, 2015).